The sea turtles which give Serangan (Bali Turtle Island) its popular name are not found swimming picture freely under ocean cliffs - here they are caught and sold as food. People in the Denpasar area are fond of turtle meat, especially on festival days. Serangan residents make a living capturing and wholesaling the creatures, also buying them from Muslim fishermen from islands to the east.

There is also a turtle-egg hatchery on the island. The most popular edible species is the green turtle (Chelonia mydas), which swims ashore to lay eggs in a shallow pit in the sand before returning to the sea. It is at this moment that villagers catch the turtles effortlessly and in large numbers, just by turning them on their backs. The eggs are considered a great delicacy, and are dug up immediately. Not surprisingly, the green turtle is now threatened with extinction and the World Wide Fund for Nature has consequently appealed to the government to put a stop to the slaughter.

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